Thursday, May 29, 2008

I've Got You Under My Skin...

I know, I know..... twice I'm blogging in as many days! Of course, I should be working [quick look over shoulder], BUT.....

...sometimes there are just some things bigger than silly old work. These things are sooooo BIG that they must be blogged about the moment the dust settles from the winder and swift! Ah ha! Now you get where I'm going with this - only my fellow yarnies are going to appreciate the absolute fabulousness of this post....

In yesterday's post I blogged a smidge about some awesome Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester that arrived in the mail from Colorsong Yarns. This yarn is for the Tempest sweater I'm about to cast on for [woo hoo].

Well, this morning I pulled out my ball winder and recently acquired birthday swift. I was so excited - first time using my swift. I adjusted the knobs, undid the skein, lined up the yarn and began winding. Oh my God!! OH MY GOD!!!! I am in love with my swift!! What an amazing difference a swift makes to winding skeins. Oh where have you been all my life you dear little swift [big mwah!]

Here are the cakes of yarn I wound in less than 5mins:

Fleece Artist BFL Moss

Fleece Artist BFL Moss (close-up)

Fleece Artist BFL Victoria

Fleece Artist BFL Victoria (close-up)

And although this has zero to do with my Tempest sweater, here's an update of my Son of Felted Bonza Bag:

Betta finish up and get back to work. Just had to share! Fleece Artist and swift.....almost as satisfying as chocolate!

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