Friday, August 20, 2010

Crikey Nora! Not More Yarn!

Ya know how shortly after you get married you set aside a room in the house for a special addition to the family?  A sweet little room that would make a lovely nursery?

Well, I've never had a room like that in my house!

That's not to say I didn't want one!  It just never happened for me.  And now I've been married far too long and round the block far too many times to want one!

But there is a spare room in the house.  It's called the guest room which is quite silly of course because there are so rarely guests.  Despite the guest room being mostly guestless, it is fully occupied.  With YARN that is!  And everthing yarnie....swift, ball winder, patterns, books, niddy noddy, rovings, spindles, needles AND cupboards and boxes of yarn.

Can one ever have too much yarn?  Well, I must admit that in my case the answer is a resounding ...YES.

As testament to the above admission, I think back to my husband's exlamation last night when I came home fully laden "Aww gawd, not more bloody yarn.  You'll be knitting in your sleep!"

And he's right.  Jerk.

Well the way I see it - I don't smoke, drink, gamble or do drugs (although sometimes I'm sure people wonder about that last one).  So I'm addicted to yarn and chocolate.  And in my own self defense, I do knit for my Mum, sister, sister in law, mother in law, three nieces and friends.  And the chocolate is sustenance - energy required to knit! [hehehe].

So what was it that prompted my husband's outburst?

Ta daaa:

I see two sweaters, a cowl, a bag, a scarf and maybe mittens!  What do you see?

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