Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dyed Snow Would be Pretty

Yesterday I had foresight! This is truly amazing for me, and most definitely blog worthy.

If "they" gave out medals for hindsight, I'd be an Olympian. Hmm...I wonder whether there is a correlation between foresight and eyesight? If so, I'm totally screwed.

You know how the weatherman can screw up the daily forecast and still get paid? Well, I usually listen to him anyway, and then complain when he promises a day filled with sunshine, lollipops and laughter, and it actually rains.

With this in mind, yesterday I made a little weather prediction of my own. I predicted that if I didn't get my butt into gear and dye the yarn for my niece's turquoise hoodie, that with my rotten luck, it'd end up snowing on me.

So, I psyched myself up and spent the morning dyeing. It was a nice morning actually, but by lunch time it was raining and cccccold! After sixty-leven trips outside, I had wrinkled and numb fingers.

But, when I got up this morning, what do you think I saw?

Ha! Look at me! If' I'd waited longer to dye my goodies, I'd have been dyeing snow. And pretty as it might be, the 3C high forecast for today would have frozen me solid.

The slightly damp roving and yarn is hanging around my office drying nicely. My efforts paid off, and I'm delighted with the results. Photos just don't do justice to the pretty skeins, but here they are anyway:

Briggs & Little Heritage dyed with Jacquared Acid Dyes

Corriedale Top roving (4oz) dyed with Jacquard Acid Dyes

I'm not yet sure what I'll make out of the roving. If I spin it to fingering weight, there's enough to make a pair of socks. If I spin it to dk or light worsted, there will probably be enough for a hat or mittens. Either way, I'll be spinning for a loooooong time!

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